Terms of Services

Our Common Responsibilities and Shared Beliefs

TrustM2M supports and defends certain basic rights and responsibilities that all members share. Shared responsibilities include each member vigorously protecting their own privacy to the level they desire. All members respecting intellectual property rights of others with respect to copyrights, trademarks, and patents. All members respecting each others\u2019 on-line experience by maintaining courtesy, politeness, respect, honesty, and integrity. All members should strive not to post any message that is vulgar or considered generally offensive to the intended audience. Which, simply put, means this: Do not post or reply anything that you think (or know) might be offensive to your intended audience.

The following information outlines our policies on various topics and gives you guidance for making your user experience as positive and meaningful as possible. We discuss in further detail our privacy policy, online-shared information, online safety, password and account protection, and other important information for you to be aware of. Please take a moment to read this important agreement.

This User Agreement outlines your rights and responsibilities (agreement) for the purpose of creating a safe, honest, and mutually beneficial relationship with all users and others who interact on TrustM2M. By joining, using, or accessing TrustM2M you agree to abide by this statement and all the policies that we lawfully enact.

1. Privacy:

Privacy of your information is very important to TrustM2M. We designed our privacy policy to protect you and all users of TrustM2M from the unwanted sharing or use of your personal information. To maximize the protection of your personal information it is every user\u2019s responsibility to understand and implement the appropriate security controls upon setting up their account. TrustM2M makes available to every member, when joining our website, various levels of security control. It is your responsibility to set up your privacy controls to your desired level of privacy. Please take a moment after joining to check and verify that the level of privacy you desire is, in fact, what is in place.

2. Information, Content, and Community Access:

TrustM2M affirms, and discloses to all users, that each individual member owns and is responsible for the accuracy of all the information and content they post on their account. TrustM2M believes each member should control how their information is used and shared within the communities that they belong. It is imperative all users understand this important part of our user agreement. The information contained on individual members\u2019 profiles, including the Business Pages and Classified Ads, is created and maintained by the each individual member. Therefore, TrustM2M is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any members\u2019 information. Due diligence on the part of every member is expected and required with regards to accuracy of information. Due diligence should also be exercised when choosing with whom to do business, or when entering into financial transactions. Regarding items listed for sale in the Classified Ads, TrustM2M is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any of the Classified Ad's content.

For content that is covered by intellectual property (IP) rights, like photos and videos (IP content), you specifically give us, TrustM2M, the following permission, subject to your privacy settings. All members grant TrustM2M a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with TrustM2M (IP License). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it.

If you delete your IP content, you should understand that it is deleted in similar fashion to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. Content removed may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time although it will not be available to others.

When you publish content or information using the \"everyone\" setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people who are not registered members of the TrustM2M site, access to that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture).


We do our best to keep TrustM2M a safe website for everyone's enjoyment and use. To the extent we can, we will do our best to protect user information but we cannot guarantee it. To maximize user safety and enjoyment we need all users to abide by the following rules:

  1. You will not send or otherwise post unauthorized or unsolicited commercial communications (such as SPAM) on TrustM2M.
  2. You will not collect users' content or information, or otherwise access TrustM2M, using automated means (such as harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers) without our permission.
  3. You will not post content that: is threatening, hateful, pornographic, incites violence, or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.
  4. You will not engage in unlawful multi-level marketing (such as a pyramid scheme) on TrustM2M.
  5. You will not upload viruses or other malicious code.
  6. You will not solicit login information or access an account belonging to someone else.
  7. You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user.
  8. You will not develop or operate a third-party application containing alcohol-related or other mature content (including advertisements). without appropriate age-based restrictions.
  9. You will abide by all applicable laws if you publicize or offer any contests, giveaways, or sweepstakes on TrustM2M.
  10. You will not use TrustM2M to advertise or promote anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.
  11. You will not do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working of TrustM2M, such as a disruption of service attack.
  12. You will not facilitate or encourage any violations of this Statement.

4. Registration and Account Security:

TrustM2M requires all users to provide their real names and personal information, such as birthdates/contact info, upon signing up for membership. The following criteria must be adhered to at all times. Failure to abide by the following terms is grounds for account deletion or disablement. When registering and maintaining your account:

  1. You will not provide any false personal information on TrustM2M, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.
  2. You will not create more than one personal profile.
  3. If we delete or disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission.
  4. You will only use your personal profile for commercial gain within the policies and practices governed by this User Agreement.
  5. You will not use TrustM2M if you are under 13, which is why we require your real birth date, to comply with Federal regulations.
  6. You will not use TrustM2M if you are a convicted sex offender.
  7. You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.
  8. You will not share your password or let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.
  9. You will not transfer your account (including any page or application you administer) to anyone without first getting written permission from TrustM2M.
  10. If you select a username for your account that comes into legal dispute from a copyright infringement claim, we reserve the right to remove or reclaim said username if we believe the claim has legal merit.
5. Protecting The Rights of Others

TrustM2M respects other people's rights and expects all members to do the same. You will not post content or take any action on TrustM2M that infringes on or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates any applicable laws. TrustM2M can remove any content or information you post on TrustM2M if we believe that it violates this Statement.

  1. If we remove your content for infringing someone else's copyright or other intellectual property, and you believe we removed it by mistake, we will provide you with an opportunity to appeal.
  2. If you repeatedly infringe other people's intellectual property (IP) rights, we will disable your account when appropriate.
  3. You will not use our copyrights or trademarks (including TrustM2M, M2M, TrustMember2Member), or any confusingly similar marks, without our written permission.
  4. If you collect information from users, you will: obtain their consent, make it clear you, and not TrustM2M, are the one collecting their information, and post a privacy policy explaining what information you collect and how you will use it.
  5. You will not post anyone's identification documentation or personal financial information on TrustM2M.
  6. You will make appropriate and accurate legal disclosures with regards to your legal ability to operate a business that include: possession of applicable business license, bonding, insurance, credentials, education, experience, and other such requirements as applicable to your personal business.


  1. TrustM2M currently provides our mobile version for free, but please be aware that your carrier's normal rates and fees, such as text messaging, will still apply.
  2. You provide all rights necessary to enable users to sync (including through an application) their contact lists with any basic information and contact information that is visible to them on TrustM2M, as well as your name and profile picture.